
              1. 关于ieee第94届车联网技术大会(vtc2021-fall)的通知
                发布时间: 2021-04-20 浏览次数: 3177 文章来源: 科学技术处 通信与信息工程学院

                  the 2021 ieee 94th vehicular technology conference(vtc2021-fall)将于2021年9月27-30日线上召开,我校是承办单位之一。会议聚焦wireless、mobile和vehicular technology等科技领域,聚集学界、政府、行业等社会各界,构建国际的、前沿的、高水平的科技交流平台。会议5845cc威斯尼斯人下载官网:https://events.vtsociety.org/vtc2021-fall/。


                  1. airborne and maritime mobile systems and services

                  2. antenna systems, propagation, and rf design

                  3. electric vehicles, vehicular electronics, and intelligent transportation

                  4. emerging technologies, 5g and beyond

                  5. green communications and networks

                  6. iov, iot, m2m, sensor networks, and ad-hoc networking

                  7. machine learning and ai for communications

                  8. multiple antennas and cooperative communications

                  9. positioning, navigation, and sensing

                  10. signal processing for wireless communications

                  11. spectrum management, radio access technology, services and security

                  12. vehicular cooperation and control, assisted and autonomous driving






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