njupt offers training class apt of ‘security measures in the era of artificial intelligence’-5845cc威斯尼斯人下载

              1. 文章来源:国际合作交流处发布时间:2019-12-12浏览次数:289

                entrusted by the ministry of foreign affairs and asia pacific telecom (apt) headquarter and guided by the international cooperation department of the ministry of industry and information technology, apt training course on ‘security measures in the era of artificial intelligence’ was successfully completed in our school on december 10.

                starting from december 2nd, this apt training course lasted for 9 days and reached a successful end in our school, receiving 11 students from 10 countries including afghanistan, india, thailand, mongolia, indonesia, malaysia, myanmar, nepal, laos and sri lanka.

                as one of the un’s international telecommunication union asia pacific telecom (apt) training base in china, over the past thirty years, our school annually conducts training of telecom management and technology for the asia-pacific region, so as to establish the friendly bond between our country and the people of all other countries in the asia-pacific region, thus sharing the achievements of science and technology development and promoting the shared communication of scientific and technological achievements in the asia-pacific region as well as the common development of telecom enterprise.
