njupt won another siam award of mcm/icm and an frank giordano award-5845cc威斯尼斯人下载

              1. 文章来源:爱游戏·(中国)官方网站英文网发布时间:2021-04-26浏览次数:193

                  recently, the results of 2021 mcm/icm have been announced. njupt students have made excellent achievements. among the awards, there are one outstanding winner, 8 finalist awards, 24 meritorious winner and 50 honorable mention. the team that won the outstanding winner also won siam award and frank giordano award at the same time. the team members are song haoran from the school of communication and information engineering, chen jianan and yang yapeng from the school of computer science, software and network security, and the instructor associate professor qiu zhonghua from the school of science.

                   the mcm/icm, sponsored by comap (the consortium for mathematics and its application), is the most influential mathematical modeling competition in the world. in 2021, 26,112 teams from 22 countries including the united states, china, the united kingdom, canada, australia, singapore and other countries have participated in the competition. the organizing committee finally elected 6 siam awards (about 0.02%) from 36 outstanding winner awards (about 0.14%) and one frank giordano award from all the teams. after winning the siam award for the first time in 2017, njupt students won the siam award in 2021 again and the frank giordano award for the first time.
