reminders for the may-5845cc威斯尼斯人下载

              1. 文章来源:海外教育学院发布时间:2021-04-28浏览次数:248

                dear students, the may day holiday starts from may 1st (saturday) to may 5th (wednesday). on may 8th (saturday) you will go to classes with wednesday’s timetable. below are some reminders for you.

                1. please arrange your schedule in advance.  you shall apply for the leave to your advisor if you plan to go outside  of nanjing with acceptable reasons before 30th of april. please  pay attention to the traffic security and observe the traffic rules and  regulations. when you ride e-bike or scooter, please slow down and give  way to pedestrians.

                2.  please strengthen personal protection. the  epidemic prevention and control is still much important. please  minimize the unessential going-out. if you experience symptoms of fever  or respiratory infections, seek prompt diagnosis and treatment at  medical institutions, and report to your advisor at the earliest  possible time.

                3. all the international students must comply with chinese laws and regulations. violation  of national laws, ordinances, and regulations will result in legal  penalties from the ministry of public security and the ministry of  justice, and, depending on the severity of the offense, students will be  given punishments from a serious warning to expulsion from the  university. common violations include illegal working with student visa,  expired visas, unruly behavior influenced by alcohol,etc.

                4. students who live on campus shall abide by the relevant regulations of dormitory. accommodating  others in the dorm is forbidden. using induction cookers, micro-wave  oven and other high power appliances in the room are strongly  prohibited. please keep the room quiet and clean.

                5. be aware of food quality and avoid food poisoning and gastrointestinal infectious diseases.

                6.  in case of an emergency, please call the police at once and contact with your advisor.

                wish you a good time of may day holiday!

                college of overseas education

